Iraqi resistance groups reject talks with U.S

April 4, 2021 - 19:35

A prominent Iraqi anti-terror group has reacted to the upcoming round of so-called strategic talks between Baghdad and Washington, whose key agenda item is reportedly the U.S. combat deployment, emphasizing that armed resistance and operations against American occupation forces will continue until they are fully removed from the Arab country.

“The message that the occupying United States, its allies, supporters and subordinates need to comprehend is that the resistance is determined to extend its operations until the occupiers leave, and close all their military bases throughout Iraq, including in Kurdistan region,” Jawad al-Talibawi, a spokesman for Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement, which is part of the Popular Mobilization Units, wrote in a post published on his Twitter page on Saturday.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki lately said that the United States would engage in a “strategic dialogue” with Iraq this month.

according to Press TV, the talks, which began last June under the administration of former U.S. president Donald Trump, would be the first under President Joe Biden. On the agenda is an array of issues, primarily the presence of U.S. military forces on Iraqi soil.

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi has told reporters he is approaching dialogue with Washington as a chance to push for the withdrawal of American troops. 

Kata'ib Hezbollah, another Iraqi anti-terror group, dismissed the upcoming Iraq-U.S. talks, which are scheduled for next week, as “futile and worthless.”
Meanwhile, Senior cleric and political leader Ammar al-Hakim also said Iraq's sovereignty will be complete once American occupation forces fully withdraw, underscoring that the United States should not have a permanent military base in the Arab country.

Speaking at a general assembly of the National Wisdom Movement in Baghdad on Saturday, Hakim said Iraq is currently at a critical juncture, and facing formidable challenges.

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