UK spreading misinformation: Iranian ambassador

December 25, 2021 - 22:14

TEHRAN - The Iranian ambassador to London said on Friday that the United Kingdom is spreading misinformation about the United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231, which confirms the 2015 nuclear program.

“These countries should be reminded several times that Resolution 2231 speaks of missiles designed to ‘carry nuclear weapons’,” Mohsen Baharvand wrote on his Instagram page. 

The ambassador added that the Iranian missiles are not designed to carry nuclear weapons, but are designed to “defend Iranian territory and respond aggressively to aggressors.”

“Resolution 2231 has many provisions that you did not implement and ignored. Your ability and honesty to identify threats to international peace and security is questionable, as if you imposed two major wars on the region on the pretext that you confessed after killing thousands of civilians that it was wrong,” he clarified.

The ambassador then lamented the UK hypocrisy, saying, “If you are honest, condemn the Zionist regime only once, which, contrary to the explicit text of the UN Charter, routinely threatens Iran with the use of force, so that your honesty will be clear to everyone.”

The Iranian diplomat was referring to a statement by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office which denounced Iran's use of ballistic missiles.

“We condemn Iran’s use of ballistic missiles in a test launch confirmed to have been conducted today. The launch is a clear breach of UN Security Council Resolution 2231, which requires that Iran not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons – including launches using ballistic missile technology,” the statement said, adding, “These actions are a threat to regional and international security and we call on Iran to immediately cease its activities.”

The UK reaction came after the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) simultaneously fired 16 precision-guided missiles at a predetermined target.

Iran rejects UK hypocrisy over UNSCR 2231

Late on Friday, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh also rejected the British Foreign Office's interventionist attitude on Iran's defense capability, stating that the Islamic Republic acts within the framework of international law and in accordance with its own defense needs. 

Such words and postures, according to Khatibzadeh, are not just interference in Iran's internal affairs, but also evidence of London's continued use of double standard policies.

He went on to say that the UK is in a never-ending race to sell the most destructive weapons to West Asia and other crisis-ridden regions of the world, and that it signs military treaties like AUKUS in violation of non-proliferation rules, while also being concerned about Iran's routine military exercises.

The official emphasized that “the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear program is peaceful, as proven by hundreds of hours of inspections and many reports by the International Atomic Energy Agency.” 

He also stated that Iran has not used and has no ambitions to use nuclear technology for military purposes, including designing missiles. 

Khatibzadeh further stated that the British understand well that Iran's missile program has nothing to do with Resolution 2231 and its terms. He underlined that Britain is the one that has breached the resolution by interpreting its contents as it sees fit.

Khatibzadeh slammed British officials' attempts to portray Iran as a threat to the region, claiming that what had fueled instability and insecurity in the region, including the humanitarian disaster in Yemen, was Britain's and other European countries' insatiable appetite to sell large quantities of advanced weapons to some countries while fully aware that they are violating international law, particularly humanitarian law, by using these weapons. According to Khatibzadeh, Britain and other European countries must be held accountable in front of the oppressed people of the region and the world community for the rise in instability and insecurity in the region.

Finally, the diplomat emphasized that the Islamic Republic does not seek approval for its defense program and does not negotiate on the matter.


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