Exhibit to explore heritage Iran, Afghanistan have in common 

March 15, 2022 - 22:4

TEHRAN – A joint photo exhibition featuring works by Iranian and Afghan photographers will open in Herat on March 27, CHTN reported on Tuesday. 

The exhibit is aimed to explore cultural heritage, rituals, and traditions the two nations have in common. 

The Persian new year(Noruz) has been selected as the main theme of the event to represent a symbol of peace and friendship, according to organizers.  

Moreover, the exhibit is planned to be held in Iran next year.  

Noruz heralds the arrival of the new year and new spring. It is the harbinger of hope. The day has a long and rich history in Afghanistan where it is marked with tremendous enthusiasm and festive spirit.

Each year, people come together to celebrate the occasion traditionally, cutting across the regional and ethnic divide. It's one of those rare occasions when war-weary people forget their daily struggles and break into celebrations.

Noruz is celebrated in Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and some other regional countries. Each place has its own unique way of celebrating the day, with exquisite customs and traditions.


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