Lorestan to host 4th intl. troglodytic architecture conference

May 1, 2024 - 18:15

TEHRAN – Lorestan province is set to host the 4th International Troglodytic Architecture Conference, scheduled to take place in the ancient city of Khorramabad from November 12 to 14.

Themed “Resilience against Relics, Climate Change, and Disasters,” this conference is aimed to serve as a pivotal forum for experts, scholars, and enthusiasts worldwide.

Ata Hassanpour, the chief of tourism in Lorestan province, said on Wednesday that the event will convene a diverse array of domestic and foreign guests and researchers.

“The conference will delve into crucial topics including theoretical concepts and foundations, cultural and intangible heritage, natural settings in vernacular architecture, experiences, and preservation of vernacular architecture,” Hassanpour stated.

He emphasized that the Research Institute of Cultural Heritage and Tourism, in collaboration with the Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Handicrafts Department of Lorestan, is organizing this international event.

Lorestan to host 4th intl. troglodytic architecture conference

Researchers, university professors, and enthusiasts passionate about troglodytic architecture are invited to submit abstracts of their papers to the conference’s secretariat by May 19, the official added.

Troglodytic architecture, characterized by structures built into natural caves or carved into cliffs, occupies a significant place in Iran’s rich cultural and architectural heritage. From the ancient troglodytic villages of Kandovan to the majestic rock-cut sanctuaries of Meymand, Iran’s troglodytic sites offer a captivating glimpse into centuries of human ingenuity and adaptation.

Against the backdrop of these remarkable achievements, the 4th International Troglodytic Architecture Conference aims to explore the contemporary challenges and opportunities facing troglodytic structures.

With a keen focus on resilience against relics, climate change, and disasters, the conference endeavors to develop strategies for the preservation and safeguarding of these architectural treasures for future generations.


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