Iran UN envoy condemns Israeli use of white phosphorus in Gaza and Lebanon

TEHRAN – Iran has intensified alarm over Israeli war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon, particularly its illegal use of white phosphorus bombs against civilian populations in the region.
The issue was highlighted by Iran's UN envoy, Amir Saeed Iravani, during a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday.
While Iravani began his address condemning the use of any chemical weapons, his main focus shifted towards credible reports confirming Israel's deployment of white phosphorus munitions.
Iravani’s statement strongly criticized the Israeli actions, calling them "abhorrent" and a "flagrant violation of international humanitarian law."
He emphasized that the use of white phosphorus, a weapon known for its indiscriminate and devastating effects, constitutes a war crime. “These criminal actions by the Israeli regime demand unequivocal condemnation from this Body and a thorough international investigation by the OPCW,” he said.
While the statement focused on Israeli war crimes, it also lauded Syria’s cooperation with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), highlighting Syria's destruction of chemical weapon stockpiles and its ongoing engagement with the OPCW. Iravani emphasized the importance of the OPCW’s impartial work and called for a fair evaluation of Syria's progress, free from politicization.
Israel and the supplier of its weapons, Washington, have yet to address international concern over the regime's repeated use of white phosphorus bombs.
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