Chris Murphy


  • Vienna talks 2022-06-18 21:15

    Vienna talks failure will mark decline of U.S., E3

    TEHRAN — As diplomatic efforts to remove the unilateral sanctions on Iran is continuing, the attitude of the United States and E3 (France, UK, and Germany) seems to be more focused on bringing the Vienna talks to a failure.

  • Malley 2022-05-06 21:22

    It is now or never!

    TEHRAN — As the Vienna talks have reached a stalemate, the U.S. Senate passed a controversial motion that could jeopardize the–make or break-talks in Vienna.

  • Murphy 2021-05-19 20:45

    Murphy shows he has no clue about the region

    Murphy's law

    TEHRAN - A rare meeting between U.S. Senator Chris Murphy and Iran’s Ambassador to the UN lays bare the many misperceptions being propagated by the Democrats about the West Asia region. 

  • Ambassador 2021-05-19 16:54

    Iran ambassador, U.S. senator discuss lifting of sanctions

    TEHRAN- Iran confirmed on Wednesday that a senior Iranian diplomat held a meeting with U.S. Senator Chris Murphy, saying the two sides discussed the need to lift the U.S. sanctions on Iran.