renewable water resources


  • Optimal cultivation key to preserve water resources 2021-12-14 16:58

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    Optimal cultivation key to preserve water resources

    TEHRAN – Iran has been grappling with water stress since 2006 and the situation is forecast to be exacerbated by the next 15 years while reforming the irrigation method from traditional to modern will reduce water consumption and waste at least by half.

  • 22% of renewable water resources lost in 30 years 2021-10-27 17:12

    22% of renewable water resources lost in 30 years

    TEHRAN – Iran’s renewable water resources have decreased from 130 billion cubic meters to about 102 billion cubic meters in less than 30 years, showing a 22 percent decline, deputy minister of energy for water and wastewater, has said.

  • Saving karst aquifers vital to survive drought 2021-08-09 21:39

    By Faranak Bakhtiari

    Saving karst aquifers vital to survive drought

    TEHRAN – While the country is dealing with severe drought due to improper withdrawal of groundwater and low rainfall, karst water resources can supply the whole water needed by the country, only if managed.

  • Renewable water resources decline by 30% 2021-06-23 18:38

    Renewable water resources decline by 30%

    TEHRAN – Renewable water resources have decreased by 30 percent over the last four decades, while Iran’s population has increased by about 2.5 times, Qasem Taqizadeh, deputy minister of energy, has stated.