Rouhani sends New Year message to Pope Francis

December 25, 2016 - 19:30

TEHRAN- President Rouhani has sent congratulations to the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis, on the birth of Jesus Christ (PBUH) and year 2017.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Your Holiness Pope Francis,

The Leader of the Catholic Church,

I am delighted to congratulate your Holiness and all the followers of Jesus Christ (PBUH) throughout the world the happy birth of the Prophet of friendship and brotherhood, and the beginning of year 2017.

I hope, with regard to the birth of the respectful prophet, interaction and kindness be spread among all followers of divine religions more than before and the wise, moderation-seeking people, who seek justice, follow the path of tolerance and dialogue, making year 2017 the year of spirituality, tolerance, progress and dignity for all humans, with peace and justice in the world.

I wish for a year full of blessings and happiness, and pray to the Almighty for your Holiness' health and everybody's prosperity and felicity.

Hassan Rouhani

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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