Iran, Switzerland ready to develop startup pivoting

May 12, 2018 - 10:55

TEHRAN – Iran and Switzerland are ready for startup pivoting as it can create great chances for entrepreneurs, vice president for science and technology Sourena Sattari has said.

Sattari and Swiss State Secretary for Education, Research and Innovation Mauro Dell’Ambrogio held a visit in Tehran on May 9, according to the vice-presidency’s public relations department.
Iran is ready for startup pivoting and sharing experience and knowledge during joint events and workshops, Sattari said.
Not so far in the past, Iran was known as a country which was reliant on an oil-based economy, however, President Hassan Rouhani’s administration count upon young human resources, he explained.
Iran is eager to develop entrepreneurship ecosystem in the near future, he added.
At Technopark Zürich, only two people out of ten are from Switzerland which, implies the country’s eagerness to boost cooperation with other nations, Mauro Dell’Ambrogio said during the meeting.
He said that there are good potentials for boosting technical and academic relationship between the two countries.
Switzerland is also eager to boost cooperation in the field of technology ecosystem, startups and technology exchange with Iran, he noted.


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