By Hanif Ghaffari 

Biden's troubles in the presidential election

April 7, 2019 - 10:18

TEHRAN - Undoubtedly, former Vice President Joe Biden is one of the famous Democrat candidates in the 2020 presidential election. Biden has not yet announced his official appearance in the upcoming presidential election. However, there seems to be some hurdles in front of Biden - obstacles that Biden might not be able to overcome.

As Time reported, Joe Biden has been gearing up for a potential White House campaign since last year, scouting office locations around Philadelphia, enlisting donors and recruiting staff in Iowa and New Hampshire. In mid-March, the former Vice President let slip to a group of union members that he might need their support “in a few weeks.” Former Senate colleagues who have traded phone calls with Biden said they were convinced he was ready to run. Time continues:

"But in recent weeks, Biden has seemed plagued by second thoughts, blowing past yet another self-imposed decision deadline. His pause has raised familiar worries. In 2016, Biden was close enough to running for President to tap a campaign manager, and a longtime aide wrote a 2,500-word announcement speech.

 Was he getting cold feet again? Biden insiders say no. He is likely to mount a third campaign for the presidency soon, two advisers involved in rollout discussions tell TIME. If he does, polls suggest, he’ll be the front runner to win the nomination. But Biden’s apparent hesitancy suggests he’s aware of what else awaits him."

The fact is that Biden has now faced great trouble. In recent days, multiple women have come forward with stories of Biden touching them in ways they considered inappropriate. The main question here is how can recent events affect Biden's fate in the 2020 presidential election?

 The reality is that if Biden fails to compete with other Democrat candidates in states like Iowa and New Hampshire, he can hardly continue to run for electoral competition. Eventually, Biden will have a lot of concerns about the 2010 presidential election. On the other hand, Donald Trump, the president of the United States, considers him the main rival.

 Some U.S. sources believe Biden, despite the charges, does not intend to withdraw from participating in the 2020 presidential election. Obama's vice presidential contender for the upcoming presidential election has been the most important election over the past 100 years.
 As the Wall Street Journal reports, Biden has told his supporters that he plans to take part in the 2020 election. He has called on his supporters to help fund his campaign. Meanwhile, Biden has expressed concern that he will not be able to make millions of dollars for his campaign, like some Democratic candidates


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