“India differs with U.S. definition of Iran” 

Indian PM, Iranian president hold talks at UN

September 28, 2019 - 10:23

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a significant move on Thursday met Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in New York as New Delhi sought to engage Tehran with an eye on energy interests and connectivity corridor via Chabahar Port amid fast changing geo-politics, the Economic Times reported. 

Amid rising tensions in the Persian Gulf, the two leaders have understood to discuss the regional situation and energy supplies from the region. 

India, the world's third biggest oil consumer, meets more than 80 percent of its energy needs. 

According to the Times of India, Iran was its third largest supplier after Iraq and Saudi Arabia. 

Their meeting was keenly awaited as it comes amid escalating face-off between Iran and the United States. 

India has refused to get drawn into U.S. President's claims that Iran is the biggest sponsor of terror. 

Modi reiterated India's support for giving priority to diplomacy, dialogue and confidence building in the interest of maintaining peace, security and stability in the Persian Gulf region, which is of vital importance for India. 

Modi visited Iran in May 2106. In February 2018, Rouhani also paid a visit to India. During the two trips the two countries signed a series of agreements.

Modi referred to his to Iran and praised his meeting with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

“My meeting with the Supreme Leader was very good and constructive and his treatment toward me was so intimate that I felt I was in my home,” Modi said, IRNA reported. 

Modi also said his country has always been defending Iran’s right to use nuclear energy for civilian purposes.

In an indirect reference to U.S. sanctions against Iran, Modi said, “India only recognizes United Nations sanctions and will do whatever it can do for Iran as friendly state.”
Earlier Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar met his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif in New York, second time since June, to increase bilateral interests. India and Iran are also exploring visit by Jaishankar to Tehran at an early date. 

During Foreign Secretary Vijay Gokhale’s recent visit to Tehran, the two sides reviewed the entire gamut of bilateral cooperation, ongoing connectivity and infrastructure development projects including development of Shahid Beheshti Port, Chabahar and full operationalization of the Trilateral Transit Agreement (Chabahar Agreement) between India, Iran and Afghanistan. Iran is India’s gateway to Afghanistan, Central Asia, Eurasia, and Russia.

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