Tourist complexes inaugurated near Maranjab desert

February 16, 2022 - 22:14

TEHRAN-Three new tourist complexes were inaugurated in the city of Aran-Bidgol in central Isfahan province on Tuesday, the city’s tourism chief has announced.

A total budget of 60 billion rials ($228,000) has been invested in the projects, which were carried out in collaboration with the private sector; CHTN quoted Hossein Chakeri as saying on Wednesday. 

The projects have created more than 15 job opportunities for the locals, the official added. 

Aran-Bidgol is the gateway to the Maranjab desert and caravansary, which also draws thousands of domestic travelers each year. The desert, which is a top destination for off-roaders, leads to salt lake from the north, Band-e Rig and Desert National Park from the east, Masileh Desert, Hoz-e sultan, and Moreh Lakes from the west.

In 2019, a team of Iranian archaeologists found remnants of a centuries-old network, which used to supply water to the underground city of Nushabad, located in the central district of Aran-Bidgol county.



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