Combating wildfires necessitates stricter laws

TEHRAN – Wildfires in forests and pastures have increased by 27 percent in terms of frequency, and 299 percent in terms of affected areas from the beginning of the current Iranian year (March 20, 2024) till June 21, 2024, compared to the same period in the year before.
Accordingly, it is essential to legislate strict laws to mitigate fires in forests and pastures, IRNA reported.
In recent years, fire has been one of the main factors devastating large parts of forests and pastures in the world and Iran bringing along severe consequences such as loss of biodiversity, emission of CO2, global warming, and climate change which worsen wildfires.
A review of the occurred wildfires over the last decade shows that more than 90 percent of the wildfires in the country are caused by humans, indicating the ineffectiveness of laws on the protection and preservation of forests and pastures, hunting and fishing, as well as clean air law.
According to the Natural Resources and Watershed Management Organization, from 2007 to 2019, wildfires have imposed a loss of nearly 17 thousand billion rials (about 26 million dollars), while some 211 million rials (about 3,240 dollars) were spent on extinguishing fires in each hectare, and 240 million rials (around 3,690 dollars) were spent on the restoration of the burned forests.
Fires, unlike other natural hazards, can be controlled and mitigated, as well as prevented through adopting preventive measures and policies.
A comparative study of the laws in Iran, France, Turkey, and South Africa shows that, in general, fighting fires in forests and pastures can be classified into three main parts, including measures to be taken before, during, and after the fire.
Hence, it is necessary to pass a specific law on combating wildfires in forests and pastures or simply add an amendment titled ‘protection’ (against fire, pests, diseases, and climate change) to the existing law on the protection and preservation of forests and pastures.
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