Mohammad Hosseini


  • Mohammad Hosseini 2023-11-17 22:31

    Official says Iran is at forefront of drug war 

    TEHRAN- With 4,000 martyrs in the fight against drugs, Iran is at the forefront of the war on drugs, the vice president for parliamentary affairs has said. 

  • Mohammad Mehdi Karam and Mohammad Hosseini 2023-01-10 23:20

     By Faramarz Kuhpayeh

    Innocent killers!

    TEHRAN – The execution of two convicted of killing a Basij member in the recent wave of unrest has sparked huge Western criticism, which observers say has little to do with human rights. 

  • One of the murders executed 2023-01-07 21:57

    Murderers of Ruhollah Ajamian are executed

    TEHRAN - Mohammad Mehdi Karami, 22, and Mohammad Hosseini, 39, who were the main culprits in martyring Ruhollah Ajamian were hanged on Saturday morning (January 7).