Russia transit through Iran


  • transit 2023-08-27 13:51

    Russia sends 1st transit train through Iran to Saudi Arabia

    TEHRAN – A Russian freight train has left the country for Saudi Arabia passing through Iran for the first time, IRIB reported.

  • Transit 2022-10-21 16:21

    7 new Russian transit trains cross Iran in 2 weeks

    TEHRAN – Head of the Islamic Republic of Iran Railways (known as RAI) said on Thursday that seven Russian freight trains heading for India have crossed Iran over the past two weeks, IRNA reported.

  • Transit 2022-07-15 14:41

    Annual road transit through Iran rises 98%

    TEHRAN - Transit of commodities through the Iranian roads network increased 98 percent in the previous Iranian calendar year 1400 (ended on March 20), as compared to the preceding year, the director-general of Transit and International Transportation Affairs Bureau of Iran Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization (RMTO) said.

  • transit 2022-07-12 15:01

    Russia’s 1st rail transit cargo to India arrives in Iran

    TEHRAN - The first rail transit cargo from Russia to India entered Iran on Tuesday through the Sarakhs border crossing, to officially launch the eastern section of the North-South railway corridor, IRNA reported.