Under tourists’ eyes: National Museum of Iran

September 15, 2016 - 19:15

The National Museum of Iran is somewhat chock-full of priceless relics that represent various eras of the country’s rich history.

As one of the attractive buildings in downtown Tehran, it was completed in 1928 based on the design by French architect André Godard who was also an archaeologist and historian of French and Middle Eastern Art.

The façade interweaves some Sassanian-era principles of Iranian architecture notably the grand iwan-style entrance embellished with a lavish brickwork.

Massive and tiny statutes, ceramics, pottery, stone figures and carvings, as well as metal objects, textile remains, and some rare books and coins are amongst objects that build up the innumerable collections inside.

Here is a select of comments that visitors to the museum have posted to TripAdvisor, one of the most popular travel websites in the world:

“Good introduction to the history of Iran”

Museums in Tehran are not always the best laid out but persevere and you will find many treasures. This museum charts the history of Iran from prehistoric times through the various dynasties that shaped the culture of the country. There are exquisite items on display but little explanation… (Duncan W. from Bangkok, Thailand, visited September 2016)

“History is tightly packed in Iran”

Excellent museum, exhibits are not all crowded together. When they say ancient in Iran, they are definitely talking OLD. Good collection of artifacts, many of which were well marked… (Miriahm D. from Boulder, Colorado, visited May 2016)

“A place of interest to Iranian history enthusiasts”

At least there were few other visitors due to Ramadan. The displays are interesting but not as interesting as those I have seen in Egypt, Jordan, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Rajistan. This complex would not be on my recommendations for those with limited time in Iran. (Pam Q. from Adelaide, Australia, visited June 2016)

“Nice but not extensive collections”

The national museum is well worth the visit. The Statue of Darius and the 7-thousand-year old skeleton are not to be missed. A shame it is not air-conditioned. (PGIT from New York, visited May 2016)

“Well worth a visit”

An interesting collection though we would have liked to see a little more context on signs. Some of the pieces in the collection are truly spectacular. (Phebert from London, visited May 2016)

The picture above shows an exterior view of the National Museum of Iran.


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