Rouhani says leaders of 4 major countries sought to broker talks between him and Trump at UN summit

We will ‘break sanctions proudly’: Rouhani

November 5, 2018 - 17:12

TEHRAN – President Hassan Rouhani announced on Monday that leaders of four major countries sought to broker talks between him and U.S. President Donald Trump during the UN General Assembly session in New York in September.

Rouhani did not mention the name of the leaders of the four countries.

“There is no need for a broker. We have no problem to talk on the condition that the other side attaches value to its obligation,” Rouhani said during a meeting at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

He said Washington’s violation of international law has made the U.S. more isolated than ever.

In May, Trump officially withdrew the U.S. from the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), and ordered the new round of sanctions on Iran. The first round of sanctions went into force on August 6 and the second round, which targets Iran’s oil exports and banks, were announced on November 4.

‘Success of diplomacy’

Rouhani said the European Union has stood against the U.S. violation of the nuclear agreement which is a “success of diplomacy” for Iran.

The president added, “Some think that we negotiated and came to conclusion in nuclear talks which was as a great success, but the U.S. ruined this success. 

“No, it is not like that. This interpretation is wrong. We have this success from political view… today all countries in the world, except a few number of countries, are against the U.S. and stand beside Iran. This is a success for our diplomacy.” 

‘We will break sanctions proudly’

Rouhani also said that Iran will “break sanctions proudly”, because they are “cruel” and against law.

“I told all the leaders of the countries with whom I held meetings on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly that this time we will break sanctions proudly, because they are cruel and against law and the United Nations’ resolution,” he stated.

‘Iron will to fight sanctions’

Talking at the meeting, the new Economy Minister Farhad Dejpasand said Iran has “plans” to overcome sanctions.

He added, “We have iron will to counter sanctions.” 


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