“Sunday in Budapest” offers selection of Latin American poetry in Persian

April 22, 2019 - 18:40

TEHRAN – The Iranian publishing company Anima has published a book titled “Sunday in Budapest”, which contains a selection of poems from Latin American writers. 

The poems have been selected and translated into Persian by Hamed Rahmati.

The book will be put on display by the publisher during the 32nd Tehran International Book Fair, which will open on Wednesday. 

“The book contains works by 19 poets including Pablo Neruda, Jorge Borges, Octavio Paz, and Victor Jara,” Rahmati told the Persian service of MNA on Monday.

“Due to lack of sources in English, I even made use of the Turkish translations of some of the poems. For example, Jara is most famous in Turkey, and I used Turkish sources in the translation of Jara’s poetry,” he said.

Rahmati noted that most of the selected poems are from more famous poets and added, “For example, five poems by Paz and three by Borges are included in the book while others have one or two.”

Photo: Front cover of “Sunday in Budapest”.


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