IRGC chief: U.S. push for talks aimed at wrecking Iran’s defense power

June 19, 2019 - 20:27

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Commander Major General Hossein Salami warned of the U.S. plot to dismantle Iran’s military and defense power by luring Tehran into negotiations, whose eventual outcome he said will be surrender.

 “The enemy’s greatest wish is to dismantle part of our defense power,” General Salami said at an academic conference in Tehran on Tuesday.

Iran has effectively foiled the enemy’s plans for military action, the general stressed, warning that the adversaries insist on negotiations to impair Iran’s deterrent power.

“Our resistance is based on logic, because there is war, loss of power and surrender behind the logic of negotiations,” he underlined, adding, “We are close to victory, and our only solution is resistance in accordance with our national and revolutionary expediency.”

Diplomacy without power is meaningless, and backing off from resistance would encourage the enemy to intensify the pressure of sanctions, the general stated, according to IFP News.

“Today, America is not able to make correct political choices and its mechanism of turning military power into political power has broken down,” he concluded.

In comments last week, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei highlighted the necessity for strong resistance in confrontation with the enemies, stressing that the Islamic Republic will keep making progress provided that the U.S. does not come any close to Iran.

The Leader also described the ultimate goal of resistance as reaching the “deterrence point” in the economic, political, social and military spheres.

Deterrent power dissuades the enemy from aggression against Iran in all arenas, the Leader stated, saying Iran has already reached the deterrent point in the military field.

The enemies have focused on Iran’s missile power, because they know that Tehran has gained the deterrent power in this area and seek to deprive the Islamic Republic of such capability, “but they will never be able to do that,” Ayatollah Khamenei underscored.

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