Roma Short Film Festival picks Majid Movasseghi for jury

April 28, 2021 - 19:6

TEHRAN – Zurich-based Iranian filmmaker Majid Movasseghi has been selected for the jury of the Roma Short Film Festival, which will take place in the Italian capital in May.

Assistant director Jon Escuder is another member of the jury. 

He has also worked both as a stage director and assistant director in Iranian cinema and television.

From 2003 to 2009, he studied filmmaking at VGIK – All-Russian State Film Academy – under the supervision of Russian director Vadim Abdrashitov. 

He also attended many workshops and master classes around the world. 

He has served as a jury member in several international events. The Visions du Reel International Film Festival, which took place in the Swiss city of Nyon from April 15 to 25, also selected him for its jury in the Interreligious Section.

He has judged movies previously in 2019 and 2020 at the DOK Leipzig, a German festival for documentary and animated films.

The 22nd Videoex Experimental Film & Video Festival in Zurich, Switzerland, also selected Movasseghi as a member of its jury in 2020.

Photo: This combination photo shows Iranian filmmaker Majid Movasseghi and a logo of the Roma Short Film Festival.


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