Russian diplomat calls Vienna talks ‘unique’ 

May 22, 2021 - 22:0

TEHRAN – Mikhail Ulyanov, the Russians ambassador to the Vienna-based international organizations, on Saturday described the talks on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) in the Austrian capital as “unique”.

“The Vienna talks on #JCPOA are unique. The aim isn’t to update an agreement or elaborate a new one,” Ulyanov tweeted, according to the Mehr news agency

“The goal is to restore a nearly ruined deal piece by piece. Was there a similar exercise in the history of international relations? I cannot recollect anything like that. Can you?” he added.

In an interview with Echo of Moscow on Saturday, Ulyanov also said that the Vienna talks on possible revival of the JCPOA may reach a final conclusion in early June.

“The fact is that speculation is not a very correct action, but if you ask about my personal opinion, I can say that the first days of June are a realistic deadline,” the diplomat pointed out.

“At least for now, it seems to me but when it comes to such work and complex relations, accurate prediction is impossible,” he said, adding, “I’m talking about what I feel about myself and my partners right now.”

Earlier, Ulyanov had tweeted that the Vienna talks between Iran and Western countries were unique of their kind.

The latest round of talks on the JCPOA Joint Commission was held on Wednesday afternoon. The participants called the talks productive.

The delegates from Iran and other remaining members of the JCPOA as well as the United States have returned to their capital for consultations as the negotiations to revitalize the multilateral 2015 nuclear deal have reached a sensitive stage.

The nuclear teams are scheduled to resume negotiations on Tuesday.

The talks are led by Enrique Mora, the European External Action Service (EEAS) Deputy Secretary General.

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