NIOC head outlines company’s operational strategies

January 12, 2022 - 15:54

TEHRAN – Head of National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) Mohsen Khojasteh-Mehr outlined his company’s new operational and development strategies in a meeting with NIOC’s senior managers on Wednesday, Shana reported.

Speaking in this gathering, Khojasteh-Mehr emphasized the need for full compliance with operational and strategic requirements at all levels and said: “We should try to implement the theory of optimal corporate governance system at the National Iranian Oil Company.”

He stressed that the managers in the company should mainly focus on overcoming the shortcomings by following new governance models.

“Managers should note that the approach adopted to lead their companies must be a knowledge-based one and all operations should be conducted according to program-based models,” the official stated.

Finally, to be able to control the outcomes, it is necessary to adopt a system so that the results of the implemented programs can be quantitatively observed and measured, he added.

Khojasteh-Mehr further pointed to the need to manage companies based on up-to-date models and added: "Technological approaches should be considered not only at the level of plans and projects but also at management levels”.


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