One million smart electricity meters installed for big-scale consumers

TEHRAN – One million smart electricity meters have been installed for large-scale consumers across the country, IRIB reported quoting an official with Iran's Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission Company (known as Tavanir).
Pointing out that the purpose of installing these meters is to make the consumption of subscribers visible, Hadi Modaqeq, the director-general of Tavanir’s officie of smartening and modern technology, said the centers that were equipped with smart meters have accounted for more than 50 percent of the country's electricity consumption.
Installation of smart meters does not mean blackouts in high-consumption units such as industrial sectors, but creating conditions to see the power consumption of large subscribers allows the proper distribution of electricity in a way that will minimize the possibility of restrictions, he further explained.
Iran has been facing some serious challenges regarding electricity supply over the past decade mainly due to the temperature rising and decrease of rainfalls.
Some other factors, such as high illegal cryptocurrency mining, have even worsened the situation in the country this year, as the citizens suffered a lot from the constant power outages, while it also caused serious damages to the activities of industries.
Although every year nearly 3,000 MW is added to the country’s power generation capacity, the reduction in the rainfalls and the decline in the water storage behind the dams has reduced the electricity generation offsetting the added capacity.
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