Top commander says US and Israel numb against IRGC capabilities

April 25, 2023 - 20:47

TEHRAN- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) second-in-command has asserted that the elite force has managed to grow so strong that neither the Americans nor the Zionists can resist it.

The IRGC is a special organization that has enhanced its capabilities in both material and spiritual spheres, Rear Admiral Ali Fadavi said on Tuesday.

By combining material and spiritual resources, Fadavi explained, the IRGC “creates a power that no evil power, like that of the Americans and the Zionists, can withstand it.”

He added the Islamic Revolution cannot be protected just militarily and that the IRGC’s primary duty is to safeguard the revolution on behalf of the Iranian people.

On Saturday, Iran commemorated the founding anniversary of the IRGC.

Nasser Kanaani, a spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, stated in a tweet on the occasion that the IRGC is a “powerful arm” that protects the Islamic Republic and its national interests while enraging the country’s fiercest adversaries.

In the struggle against terrorist organizations present in the region, the IRGC has also made significant sacrifices.

The Iranian people have also benefited from it in difficult times like natural disasters.

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