World War II


  • EU foreign policy chief Borrell 2024-01-22 16:12

    Does Israel want 'to make all the Palestinians leave or to kill off them?'

    Borrell: ‘Humanitarian situation could not be worse’ in Gaza

    European Union foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said Monday that the way Israel is carrying out its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip is “seeding hate for generations.”

  • World Photography Day 2023-08-18 18:19

    By Samaneh Aboutalebi 

    World Photography Day:  10 iconic photos that captured the essence of modern Iran

    TEHRAN – On August 19, World Photography Day is being celebrated around the globe, commemorating the contribution of the medium to art, communication, and culture.

  • Visit Veresk, a scenic masterpiece of the 20th century 2023-03-10 18:14

    Visit Veresk, a scenic masterpiece of the 20th century

    TEHRAN – Massive arch bridges are engineering marvels that depict the ultimate intelligence, taste, and knowledge of an engineer and designer.

  • Japanese Americans 2023-02-19 23:24

    By Sara Atta

    Commemoration of unjust incarceration of Japanese Americans

    TEHRAN – 81 years ago, the U.S. president issued an executive order ordering more than 100,000 Japanese who were considered a threat to the country's national security to be detained and sent to internment camps.

  • Ronald Grigor Suny 2022-02-16 00:18

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    Historian says U.S. beginning to experience its own decline

    ‘The worst example of American arrogance was in the Trump administration’

    TEHRAN - Ronald Grigor Suny, a professor emeritus of political science and history at the University of Chicago, says that the U.S. as the richest and most powerful country in the world is beginning to experience its own decline. 

  • Khorramshahr: a prime destination for war tourism 2021-05-24 18:51

    By Afshin Majlesi

    Khorramshahr: a prime destination for war tourism

    In the past, war tourism destinations were mainly the object of interest of photojournalists appearing solely on pages of crime, but now they can be traced in top travel books and websites. Whatever you call it, from war tourism, dark tourism, disaster tourism, or danger tourism, Iran has more to offer after being involved in the second-longest war of the 20th-century after the Vietnam War.