UNESCO experts to assess Iran’s natural, historical sites

May 27, 2017 - 18:55

TEHRAN – A delegation of the UNESCO World Heritage specialists is scheduled to travel to Iran in summer in order to assess Arasbaran Protected Area in the northeast and the Ensemble of Historical Sassanid Cities in the south of the country.

The UNESCO assessors will travel to the country in the Iranian months of Mordad and Shahrivar (starting July 23 and August 23 respectively), ISNA quoted Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization Deputy Director Mohammad-Hassan Talebian as saying on May 23.

The ensemble comprises several Sassanid-era (224–651) sites, namely Bishapour, Firouzabad and Sarvestan in Fars Province. According to a dossier in the ensemble, it embodies the political, historical, cultural and artistic developments of the Sasanian Empire, which was recognized as one of the leading world powers alongside its neighboring arch-rival the Roman-Byzantine Empire.

Arasbaran Protected Area in the northwestern West Azarbaijan Province embraces one of the oldest brick domes in the world, a relatively exact circular urban terrain and some vestiges of other historical monuments. It is a candidate for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list for 2018.

Measuring 78,560 hectares, Arasbaran is of high importance due to its rich flora and fauna in particular presence of rare species. There can be found some endemic plant species including long-leaved trees such as Juniperus foetidissima and endangered species such as Taxus baccata.

PHOTO: The ruins of Sassanid-era Bishapur Royal Palace in Fars province


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