Iranian Army's 2,000-bed hospital inaugurated in Tehran

March 25, 2020 - 12:27

TEHRAN - The Army inaugurated a 2,000-bed hospital in Tehran on Wednesday as Iran is fighting the pandemic coronavirus.

Habibollah Sayyari, the commander of the Army's bio-defense unit,  said the goal of setting up the complex is to demonstrate the capabilities of the Army and help the health sector to reduce the length of hospitalization and rehabilitation process for coronavirus patients.

The complex is set up in the permanent ground of the Tehran International Exhibitions. It has the capacity to accommodate 1000 more beds. 

Earlier, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei assigned the Armed Forces to work on the necessary methods to prevent a further spread of coronavirus, in addition to the other activities such as treatment of patients and establishment of medical centers like field hospitals and convalescent homes. 

Iran is the worst-hit country in the Middle East. As of Wednesday, 20,77 Iranians have lost their lives because of the deadly coronavirus and 27,017 have been infected.


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