Iran FM commemorates memory of Al Jazeera journalist

May 13, 2022 - 22:7

TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Thursday commemorated the memory of Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh who was killed by the Zionist regime of Israel in the occupied territories on Wednesday morning.

Amir Abdollahian’s outpouring of sympathy for the journalist’s family, and his offering of condolences to media outlets, the resilient people of Palestine, and the Palestinian Christian community followed after he met Qatar’s Foreign Minister Mohammed bin Abdul Rahman Al Thani in Tehran, who was accompanying the Qatari Emir’s visit to Tehran.

The top diplomats of Iran and Qatar condemned attributed the continuation of the acts of terror and atrocities by the Israeli regime to lack of serious action on the part of international and human rights organizations and also to their double standards regarding human rights abuses in Palestine, including the targeted killing of journalists.

The two foreign ministers then noted that when Abu Akleh was martyred, she was wearing a vest marked “press.” 

They added that the cold-blooded murder shows that Tel Aviv is opposed to freedom of speech and is seeking to cover up the truth and its terrorist crimes in Palestine.

Amir Abdollahian also handed over a memorial plaque to the Qatari foreign minister to give it to Abu Akleh’s family in Palestine, as a present. 

Abu Akleh was a veteran American-Palestinian journalist who was shot in the head by the Israeli snipers while covering the Israeli troops raiding houses in Jenin in the occupied territories.

Israeli war forces evaded responsibility for killing the journalist, claiming she was shot by the Palestinian fighters. 
Qatar’s foreign ministry strongly condemned the killing of journalist, calling on international organizations to hold the Israeli regime accountable. 

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