Iran, Saudi Arabia to strengthen economic, commercial ties: FM

May 31, 2023 - 21:37

TEHRAN- The Iranian foreign minister says the reconciliation between Iran and Saudi Arabia is more than just “a tactical agreement,” and both nations have decided to advance their economic and commercial ties.

Hossein Amir Abdollahian made the comments in an interview with the French newspaper Le Figaro published on Monday.

Iran and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement on March 10 to reestablish diplomatic ties. The agreement was brokered by China.

Amir Abdollahian said that Tehran held security talks in Baghdad and Oman for several months because “relations with our neighbors are a priority in the foreign policy of the current Iranian government.”

The foreign minister went on to say that finally during the visit of the Chinese president to Saudi Arabia, a strong idea was put on the table.

The outcome was Chinese mediation, he said, which allowed Tehran and Riyadh to take the crucial move.

“We do not consider this rapprochement a tactical agreement,” he added.

Iran and Saudi Arabia decided to reestablish diplomatic ties and reopen embassies on March 10 following several days of rigorous discussions held in China, seven years after their relations were cut.

Following the agreement’s signing, Tehran and Riyadh issued a joint statement emphasizing the need to respect one another’s national sovereignty and refrain from meddling in one another’s internal affairs.

They agreed to put into effect a security cooperation agreement made in April 2001, as well as another agreement inked in May 1998 to increase economic, commercial, investment, technological, scientific, cultural, sports, and youth affairs collaboration.

In other parts of his interview, Amir Abdollahian mentioned that the Saudi government has prioritized investment in Iran.

“I talked about economic issues during my recent meeting with my Saudi counterpart,” the top diplomat said, adding, “We both agreed to develop our economic and commercial relations in the months and years to come.”

He continued by saying that the Saudi government now prioritizes the completion of economic initiatives.

Nearly a month after agreeing to resume diplomatic relations, Iran and Saudi Arabia planned to establish a joint chamber of commerce in April to foster bilateral trade.

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