Raisi vows retribution against those responsible for terror attacks

January 5, 2024 - 22:35

TEHRAN- Iran’s determination to bring those responsible for the most recent, extremely lethal terror attacks in Kerman to justice is reaffirmed by President Ebrahim Raisi.

The president made the remarks in a Thursday phone conversation with his Serbian counterpart, Aleksandar Vucic.

“No degree of support or patronage from no power can provide a security margin to the agents that have been involved in this atrocity,” Raisi said.

The remarks were made the day following two consecutive bombings at the funeral ceremony for Iran’s former senior anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in the city of Kerman, which left at least 84 people dead and several others injured. The Daesh terrorist group has claimed responsibility for the massacre.

Cowardly actions like this, Raisi asserted, would not prevent the great Iranian nation from striving toward its lofty objectives of resisting injustice, tyranny, and repression.

Regarding the terrorist attacks, the Serbian official expressed regret on behalf of the Serbian government and people to the Iranian government and people.

Vucic expressed hope that the terror attack planners and perpetrators will be brought to justice right away and dealt with legally for their atrocities.

At last, the president of Serbia declared that his nation supported Iran in the war against terrorism.

The UN Security Council earlier issued a statement in which it denounced the “cowardly terrorist attack” and expressed sympathy to the families and the Iranian government of those killed.

Leaders from Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and other nations across the world have all condemned the tragic event.

“Tehran deals with corrupt brains, dirty hands of designers, perpetrators”

In a phone call with Raisi on Thursday, President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedow condemned the terrorist and inhumane crime of attacking people in Kerman, and condoled the martyrdom of a number of citizens on behalf of the government and nation of Turkmenistan, as well as the national leader of the country, and expressed condolences to the Iranian government and people, especially the families of the deceased.

President Raisi also said that “the corrupt brains of those who have designed this terrorist crime and the dirty hands of perpetrators will be decisively dealt with.”

The President of Turkmenistan also described Iran as one of the most important trade partners of Turkmenistan, adding, “In addition to good and strong relations, the two countries have many facilities and capacities for the development of cooperation.”

“Terrorist acts will never undermine Iran national unity”

Speaking in a phone conversation with Emir of Qatar Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani on Wednesday evening, President Raisi said that “the Iranian nation has proven that terrorist acts cannot disrupt their will, national cohesion, and resilient spirit.”

He went on to say that the atrocity occurred on the anniversary of martyr Qassem Soleimani, who is revered in the region and throughout the globe as a hero in the fight against terrorism.

He further stated, “The Zionists are desperately seeking to spread insecurity to other parts of the region due to the global attack against them and the failure to achieve the results they expected.”

The Emir of Qatar, for his part, strongly denounced the despicable terrorist assault on pilgrims at Kerman’s martyrs’ graveyard, offering condolences and sympathies to the government and people of Iran for the loss of life in this terrorist act.

“This criminal act was carried out by those who seek to make Iran insecure, but we are confident in the national unity of the Iranian nation and we stand by you,” he stated.

The Emir of Qatar further said, “We must work together and through deeper consultations with the countries of the region and the Islamic world to stop the crimes of the Zionist regime against the oppressed people of Gaza.”

“Foes failed to foil Iran unity through terrorism”

During a phone call from his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Wednesday, Raisi noted that enemies might assume that terrorism could help them accomplish their unlawful aims, but the Iranian people have demonstrated that such acts will not disturb their “unity, security, and strategy.”

“This terrorist incident occurred on the anniversary and in the vicinity of the resting place of a martyr who is known as a hero in the fight against terrorism and violence in the region,” Raisi said.

He went on to add that “the enemies of the Iranian nation may think they can achieve their illegitimate goals through the tool of terrorism, but the Iranian people have proven that these crimes cannot disrupt their unity, security, and strategy.”

“I felt it necessary to personally express my sympathy and condolences to you regarding this heinous terrorist attack,” stated the president of Turkey, who had already sent written condolences to the Iranian leadership and people.

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