Joe Biden


  • Sanctions 2021-02-06 22:36

    U.S. eyes easing restrictions on Iran without lifting key sanctions: report

    TEHRAN – The United States is weighing options to ease economic pressure on Iran without lifting key sanctions – including on oil sales- as a step toward reviving the 2015 nuclear deal abandoned by former President Donald Trump, Bloomberg reported.

  • UAE 2021-02-06 22:33

    Rising anxiety 

    TEHRAN – U.S. president Joe Biden touched a raw nerve when he and his national security officials made announcements signaling a reconsideration of former President Donald Trump’s policies toward the region. 

  • Yemen war 2021-02-06 18:12

    Envoy says Iran not optimistic about Biden’s policy towards Yemen

    TEHRAN- Hassan Irlou, Iran’s ambassador to Yemen, has said he is not optimistic about the U.S. new policy on the war-torn Yemen, according to Fars news agency.

  • Ronnie Lipschutz 2021-02-06 10:21

    By Mohammad Mazhari 

    Biden faces difficult job to rebuild divided America: professor

    TEHRAN - An American professor is of the opinion that President Joe Biden has a long road to repair the deep-rooted division in America, especially when it comes to structural issues like racism, poverty, and Red-Blue division.

  • U.S. think tanks: Scenarios for the GCC and advice to Israel 2021-02-05 11:22

    U.S. think tanks: Scenarios for the GCC and advice to Israel

    In the wake of Joe Biden’s arrival at the White House and his stated policy to rejoin the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, American think tanks have remarkably speculated on the issue. In this context, a plenty of publications addressing issues directly and indirectly related to Washington-Tehran relations in the broader West Asia theatre, are also available.

  • Biden 2021-02-02 21:47

    American bottleneck

    TEHRAN – The Biden administration has now made it clear that it expects Iran to make the first move to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. On the other hand, Iran has also said that it expects Washington to break from the failed policies of the Trump administration and return to the nuclear deal.

  • Zarif 2021-02-02 12:57

    Zarif: U.S. has ‘limited window of opportunity’ to return to nuclear deal

    TEHRAN - Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says Iran is ready for a new relationship with the United States but the clock is ticking.

  • Kiss 2021-02-01 21:51

    By Martin Love

    America has not been helping itself …

    It’s easy to get the impression that the people most set upon in the world now, really as never before, are the seven million or so people trapped in divided cantons inside historic Palestine with no civil rights, no vote, no official empathy and no resources to speak of except “samud”, an Arabic term for something like gutsy endurance in the face of pain.

  • Munir A Saeid 2021/02/01

    By Munir A Saeed

    Sometimes it takes a volcano to start the healing 

    Let me start by saying something some may consider outrageous.  One day, not long from now, many may look back on the four years of Donald Trump’s presidency and consider it to be not just the worst choice Americans made, but, ironically, the best thing that happened to America and the world. Why? The U.S. needed Donald Trump to save it from itself. 

  • Barbara Slavin 2021-02-01 14:54

    By Mohammad Mazhari

    JCPOA is not renegotiable: American foreign policy expert

    Noting that “the JCPOA is not renegotiable”, director of the Future of Iran Initiative at the Atlantic Council says the Iranian missile program cannot be addressed within nuclear negotiations.

  • Congress 2021-01-31 18:00

    Congress will likely put up barrier in the way of Biden to rejoin nuclear deal

    TEHRAN - The new Biden administration may find it difficult to revive the nuclear deal endorsed by the UN Security Council in 2015 due to the likely opposition by Congress, according to Politico, an American magazine.

  • Malley 2021-01-30 20:58

    A fake carrot to Iran

    TEHRAN – Joe Biden’s selection of Rob Malley as Iran envoy has sparked bitter dispute between hawks and progressives. They have launched media campaigns defending or opposing his selection. Hawks accuse him of going soft on Iran while progressives underline that the appointment of Malley will rekindle diplomacy with Iran.

  • U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan 2021-01-30 15:55

    Biden priority is dealing with Iran's nuclear program: Sullivan

    U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Friday that a critical early priority for the Biden administration is to resolve the nuclear stalemate with Iran, saying Tehran is getting closer to having enough fissile material for a nuclear weapon

  • Takhtravanchi 2021-01-30 10:40

    Iran diplomat says 'window is closing' for Biden to rejoin nuclear deal

    Iran's highest-ranking diplomat in the USA warned the Biden administration it "must act quickly" to return to the 2015 nuclear deal abandoned by President Donald Trump "because the window is closing" for Washington to lift economic sanctions before Tehran's deadline, USA Today reported on Thursday.

  • Robert Malley 2021-01-30 10:17

    By Azin Sahabi

    Robert Malley: More demanding for Tehran to deal with

    TEHRAN- U.S. President Joe Biden’s decision to appoint Robert Malley as special envoy for Iran was reported on January 28 by The New York Times, citing two senior State Department officials. A senior State Department official confirming earlier reports, reassured the Associated Press of the appointment, too