

  • Iraq 2024/01/17

    Exclusive: Serious warning delivered to Baghdad and Erbil before missile attack

    "We told them our patience is running thin"

    TEHRAN – The Tehran Times has learned that Iran had cautioned both Iraq’s central government and the authorities in the country’s Kurdistan region about its diminishing patience with the presence of Mossad and terrorist groups in Iran’s vicinity, before carrying out airstrikes on Iraqi soil.  

  • Pishro Dizaei 2024-01-16 21:54

    Who was Pishro Dizaei?

    TEHRAN- The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) targeted and eliminated the head of Falcon Company, a Mossad-affiliated organization responsible for protecting and supplying the Israeli spy agency in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

  • separatist militants commit terror in west and northwest Iran 2022-11-16 12:46

    100 aligned to separatist militants detained after IRGC strike on northern Iraq: report

    TEHRAN - As many as 100 elements aligned to separatist terrorist groups have been arrested following the first wave of military attacks of the IRGC on hostile targets in northern Iraq, an informed source has said.

  • Iran 2022-03-14 22:11

    Iran won’t remain silent in face of Israeli actions

    TEHRAN — Early on Sunday, at 1:20 am, at least a dozen ballistic missiles landed inside a vast compound in Erbil that is used by the Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence agency that trains spies.

  • Attack 2022-03-14 18:20

    Erbil attack was a response to Israeli drone strike inside Iran: report

    TEHRAN – An Iranian news television has said that the missile attack launched by Iran against targets in Erbil was a response to a previously unreported Israeli drone attack in the western Iranian province of Kermanshah.

  • Attack 2022-03-13 21:45

    Israeli center hit with Iranian ballistic missiles

    TEHRAN – At least a dozen ballistic missiles landed inside a vast compound that Iran says is used by the Mossad, Israel’s external intelligence agency.

  • IRGC fires missiles at Israel's secret bases in northern Iraq 2022-03-13 14:41

    IRGC confirms it hit Mossad training centers inside Iraqi Kurdistan

    TEHRAN – The Islamic Revolution Guard Corps of Iran issued an official statement on Sunday saying it had fired precision-guided ballistic missiles at Israel’s Mossad training centers in Iraq’s semi-autonomous Kurdistan region early Sunday morning.

  • Esmaeil Kosari 2021-10-13 19:03

    Top MP advises Erbil authorities to halt terrorists' acts against Iran

    TEHRAN — A member of the parliament's National Security Committee has warned that if authorities in the Iraqi Kurdistan region fail to stop the terrorist acts by armed groups, Iran would use its legal right to take the necessary measures.

  • Khatibzadeh 2021-04-16 21:56

    Iran expresses ‘grave concern’ over recent events in Iraq

    TEHRAN — Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh on Friday expressed grave concern over the events in the past few days in Iraq, particularly a car explosion at Baghdad, which left four people killed and 20 wounded.

  • A scene from the play “50+One” by Mahtab Asgari. 2021-03-07 18:18

    “50+One” depicts how Gen. Soleimani saved Erbil from ISIS 

    TEHRAN – Director and writer Mahtab Asgari has produced a play named “50+One” that depicts how Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani, commander of Iran’s Quds Force, saved Erbil from ISIS in 2014 when their fighters were closing in around the capital of Iraqi Kurdistan.