Reinvigorating Iran’s defense power best way to counter sanctions: minister

November 16, 2019 - 17:30

TEHRAN – The Iranian defense minister announced on Saturday that the only way to counter the U.S. sanctions is to upgrade the country’s competency regarding the entire vital components, especially in military sector. 

Addressing a professional meeting on reviewing ways to counter-sanctions on the country’s defense field, Brigadier General Amir Hatami said, “The U.S. will not narrow down sanctions (on Iran) due to some reasons, so, the only way to face such sanctions is to strengthen the country’s might in all vital arenas, especially in defense sector.”

“Today, the enemy has targeted our existence, so beyond embarking on hitting Iran, they are resolved to eliminate us,” the minister opined.

He further said that the hegemonic system has now applied its entire ability via using its agents to infiltrate into the country’s infrastructure as well as cultural, political and economic programs to access information to hit the country.

“Therefore, access to the information in wars and confrontations can be among main elements in supremacy in battles,” Hatami further explained. 

“Thank God, the U.S-led hegemonic system’s plots against Iran have thus far been thwarted in various confrontations, but, (we must not ignore that) the enemy will not neglect any opportunity to harm our country,” the brigadier general stressed. 

The United States has slapped the harshest ever sanctions against Iran in line with its “maximum pressure” strategy against Iran. This happened after the Trump administration exited the 2015 nuclear agreement, officially called the JCPOA, in May 2018 in violation of the resolution 2231 adopted by the UN Security Council confirming the JCPOA.

The U.S. has introduced a total ban on Iran’s oil export, which is the main source of Iran’s income.

In November 2018, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Iran should listen to Washington or else its people will pay the price. 

"The leadership has to make a decision that they want their people to eat,” Pompeo said, according to Newsweek.

General Hatami said, “Regardless of the long background of enemies’ sanctions against the country’s defense sector, this sector has suffered the least consequences due to its human resources’ experiences and high capabilities.” 

On Wednesday, Hatami lashed out at Washington for announcing new sanctions against Iranian military organizations and figures, playing down their effects on the Armed Forces.

"Our Armed Forces have always been targeted by the Americans as a thorn in the eyes of enemies and this time they have sanctioned a number of our dear commanders that will have no effects," General Hatami told reporters on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting in Tehran.


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