Book analyzing Gen. Soleimani’s leadership qualities published 

February 2, 2021 - 19:33

TEHRAN – A book giving a scientific analysis about Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani’s leadership qualities has recently been published.

Written by Seyyed Mohammad Moqimi, a management professor at the University of Tehran, “Sincerity-Centered Leadership: The Essence of the School of Shahid Soleimani” was released by the Raahdan Publishing House in Tehran.

Since Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei had said earlier that sincerity is the most significant characteristic of Soleimani, the scholar has centered on this topic in his book, the publisher wrote in an introduction.

The analysis has been made based on the context of Soleimani’s speeches, the Leader’s discourses and the comments made by his comrades.

The book also provides deep insight into the factors contributing to sincerity to help arrive at a better understanding of the issue.

Soleimani has been the subject of numerous books published following the martyrdom of the IRGC commander in a U.S. airstrike in Baghdad on January 3, 2020.  

Among the books is “Characteristics of the School of Martyr Soleimani” written by Hojjatolesalm Ali Shirazi in Persian.

This book gives a brief analysis of the personal characteristics of Commander Soleimani through his discourses and memories. It has been published in 12 countries.

“Guest of Iraq Written by Iraqi Personalities” has been published by Iran’s Cultural Office in Baghdad.

The book has been written by several Iraqi cultural figures about the lofty characteristics of the commander.

Early in January, the Alhoda International Cultural, Artistic and Publishing Institute published “Great Commander”, which carries a series of articles written by Iraqi cultural figures.

Iran’s Cultural Office in Turkey has released a Turkish translation of “Our Happy Comrade” (“Bizim Bahtiyar Dostumuz”).  The book is about Commander Qassem Soleimani’s valor.

Photo: Cover of the book “The Sincerity-Centered Leadership: The Essence of the School of Shahid Soleimani”.


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