Defense chief says Iran’s missile capability acts as deterrent

February 14, 2021 - 17:30

TEHRAN - Brigadier General Amir Hatami, the defense minister of Iran, has highlighted the Islamic Republic’s deterrent power based on domestically manufactured missiles with great accuracy and maneuverability.

Speaking to Tasnim news agency on Sunday, Hatami emphasized, “Iran is currently in the best state of defense and missile power.”

“Today, all of the Islamic Republic of Iran’s missiles are precise and have great maneuverability and the necessary explosive power to maintain the country’s defensive deterrence,” the minister remarked.

Army tests new smart missile with 300-km range 

Regarding Hatami’s emphasis on Iran’s defensive missile capabilities, the Iranian Army Ground Force also tested a new smart missile with a range of 300 kilometers on Sunday.

Speaking at the event, Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari, the Army Ground Force commander, said, “The missile units have tested a new mid-range missile to evaluate its accuracy and power.”

Pointing to the range of the new missile, General Heidari noted, “With a range of 300 kilometer, the smart missile can hit targets with pinpoint accuracy.” 

The commander added, “Launched with automated systems, the missile can be fired in various weather conditions.”  

 ‘Iran firm to take revenge on Fakhrizadeh assassinators’ 

Hatami also repeated that Iran is determined to take revenge on those who ordered and perpetrated the assassination of senior Iranian scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh in November. 

Fakhrizadeh, a senior nuclear and defense scientist, was assassinated in a small city east of Tehran on November 27.
“As a great country with management of strategic thinking, the Islamic Republic of Iran will mete out the punishment in the proper time and place. This will undoubtedly happen,” the defense minister added.

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