Iran deputy FM, Qatari envoy discuss regional issues

February 16, 2021 - 22:26

TEHRAN – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Political Affairs Seyed Abbas Araghchi met on Monday with Ali bin Fahad al-Hajari, the special representative of Qatar’s foreign minister for regional issues, to discuss regional issues.

“In this meeting, referring to the good relations between the two countries, Araghchi underlined the need to continue consultations on bilateral and regional issues and added that creating regional security and stability within the framework of regional talks is possible with the presence of all countries in the region and without foreign interference,” Araghchi said in a statement on Monday.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran talks only with the countries of the region about the security of the Persian Gulf region,” he continued.

The Qatari diplomat, for his part, stressed the need for paying attention to the region's political and economic development, pointing to the common destiny of the region.

Al-Hajari pointed out that the best form of relations is to resolve crises politically and alleviate concerns through dialogue.

He also expressed Qatar’s willingness to boost relations with Iran in various spheres.

Al-Hajari was accompanying Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani in his visit to Iran.

The chief Qatari diplomat met with his Iranian counterpart Mohammad Javad Zarif.

“During the meeting, Zarif welcomed his Qatari counterpart and offered congratulations on Doha’s recent success in ending the blockade imposed against the Arab country. He further highlighted the importance of bilateral relations between Tehran and Doha in the eyes of the Iranian nation and government, and expressed the Islamic Republic’s preparedness for expansion of collaboration with Qatar in different fields,” the Iranian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Elaborating on Iran’s principled policy of opposing the policies that are based on coercion and force in the region, Zarif emphasized the necessity for cooperation among regional countries to settle the issues and achieve a set of regional arrangements that bring about further stability, and said bilateral relations between Iran and Qatar play a key role in this path, according to the statement.

The Qatari foreign minister, for his part, appreciated all the assistance provided by the Islamic Republic of Iran at the time when Qatar was under a blockade, and said his trip to Tehran was in line with expansion of bilateral relations and within the framework of regular consultations between the two countries.

He also underlined the region’s need for a new approach and all-out collaborations, and expressed his country’s preparedness for playing an effective and pivotal role in this regard.

The chief Qatari diplomat finally expressed hope that the existing problems will be settled within the framework of regional initiatives as soon as possible.

Qatari emir’s message handed over to Rouhani

Al Thani also held a meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in which he handed over a written message from Qatari Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani to Rouhani.

During his meeting with the Qatari foreign minister, Rouhani pointed to recent developments in the region and the need to develop joint cooperation between Tehran and Doha.

“Relations between the two countries have been very good and developing in recent years, and with the new international conditions, opportunities should be used to develop and deepen relations and cooperation,” Rouhani added.

“Iran and Qatar can develop relations in various fields, including economic, commercial, cultural, scientific and tourism, and cooperation between the private sectors of the two countries can play an important role in this direction,” the Iranian president said, according to a statement issued by the Iranian presidency.

Expressing that the progress of any country in the region will be achieved through establishing peace and stability in the region, the president welcomed dialogue and cooperation with the countries of the Persian Gulf and stressed, “We remain committed to the Hormuz Peace Endeavour (HOPE) initiative and believe that peace and stability in the region will not be achieved except through cooperation and dialogue between the countries of the region, and it is the countries of the region that must decide for their own.”

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