Hemmati says high turnout is only solution to change the situation

May 29, 2021 - 22:24

TEHRAN — In a tweet posted on Saturday, Abdolnasser Hemmati, a presidential candidate for the June elections, asked the fans of the disqualified candidates whether refusing to vote can help improve the situation or not?

“I ask the supporters of the disqualified candidates and those who have lost hope for reform:
Is miffing with the ballot box effective or changing the scene and the result of the election by voting for the only candidate who has the ability and knowledge to improve the economic situation, and his surprise victory would effectively raise your voice of protest?” he tweeted. 

Hemmati has recently begun his Twitter activities, trying to attract the youth.

He recently called himself “the voice of the silent majority.”

Hemmati is currently the head of the Central Bank of Iran. 


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