Tehran says won’t hesitate to reinforce deterrence capability

June 7, 2023 - 21:46
Foreign Ministry spokesman calls Blinken’s remarks “baseless”

TEHRAN- Iran will not hesitate to strengthen its defensive and deterrence capabilities, Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Tuesday night.

The statement by Kanaani came in response to scathing comments by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken at the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

“The U.S. secretary of state made baseless comments against the Islamic Republic of Iran in line with his country’s all-out support for the apartheid Zionist regime,” Kanaani noted.

Speaking at AIPAC’s Policy Summit in Washington DC, Blinken accused Iran of “exporting aggression” and attempting to “obtain a nuclear weapon”. He also echoed Washington’s “all options are on the table” in regard to Iran.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said Tehran is unwavering in opposing the Apartheid regime of Israel and backing the nations to decide on their destiny.  

“The Islamic Republic of Iran has always emphasized that supporting the Palestinian nation is in line with supporting the oppressed and liberation movements and based on advocacy for the right to self-determination, negating occupation and fighting apartheid,” Kanaani stated.

The Foreign Ministry official added, “The threat of resorting to force by the U.S. against other governments is against international law, especially the provisions of the United Nations Charter, and accordingly, the Islamic Republic of Iran will not hesitate to strengthen its deterrent power and protect its rights and security.” 

The spokesperson cautioned the U.S. authorities against making baseless accusations against Iran, urging them to reconsider their illegal and already ineffective actions against the Islamic Republic.

Growing deterrence power

Also on Tuesday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian praised the Islamic Republic’s efforts to increase its deterrence power. 

Writing on his on his Twitter account, the senior diplomat stated that “Iran’s deterrence power serves to guarantee sustainable regional security and peace.”

He asserted that Iran will continue to conduct “dignified diplomacy” in its attempts to strengthen its foreign ties while also reinvigorating its military and defensive power.

Amir Abdollahian went on to say that the establishment of cordial ties and productive partnerships with neighbors will proceed seriously.

The foreign minister added that the region’s security and stability are guaranteed by Iran’s deterrent capability.

Amir Abdollahian’s comments were made after the Iranian IRGC Aerospace unit unveiled a hypersonic missile, called Fattah. 

The missile has a range of 1,400 kilometers, hits speeds of Mach 13-15 and can intercept and destroy all anti-missile shields.

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